What is an acne?
Acne is a chronic, inflammatory skin disease of the glands that produce sebum (sebaceous follicles). This disease causes different inflammatory formations like black spots and white caps, pimples, pustules, cysts and nodules on the skin.
What causes an acne?
Genetics factors, hormones, bacteria and increased sebum creation can cause acne.
Do you need to see a dermatologist?
People often use a number of cosmetic creams and lotions. These uses can lead to worsening of the disease and obstruct acne treatment. Sometimes these applications can lead to permanent traces. You should seek a doctor’s care if you feel any of the below statement fits your situation:
You tried some cosmetic creams and lotions but it is not treated your acne.
Your outlook on life is less optimistic since you developed acne.
None of the over-the-counter products and/or remedies you have tried has worked.
You are beginning to see scars after acne lesions clear.
You have painful, pus-filled lesions in addition to blackheads and whiteheads and reddened spots on your skin.
You have dark skin, and a patch that is darker than your skin appears when an acne lesion clears.
What can LOTUS DERMATOLOGY do for you? / How acnes are treated?
Lotus Dermatology dermatologists are experienced in all types of acne such as adult acne, cystic acne, mild acne and will provide you the treatment to stop this skin disease. Firstly your dermatologist will evaluate your skin. It is important to learn which treatments you have tried in the past. If your acne is severe or is a type of acne that leaves acne scars, which does not heal with any other creams or antibiotics, your dermatologist will recommend you to apply new dermatologic methods.
Methods in Acne Treatment
Topical (Cream) Treatment, including salicylic acid and/or some other ingredients
Mesolifting (Skin Mesotherapy)
Chemical Peeling
Medical Treatment
CO2 Fractional Laser
Acne treatment with Laser Rosacea
Essentially, an effective laser treatment is provided to rosacea, which is a capillary disease. With some methods a single session can provide a noticeable improvement.
Lotus dermatology has successfully helped many serious rosacea patients. You can call for detailed information.
What kind of results should you expect after acne treatment?
Lotus dermatologist Eda Tiftikçi and Tuğba Türe have high level medical experience and they are an expert at latest technologies. Tuğba Türe and Eda Tiftikçi have successful results. These results leave behind what can be achieved with over-the-counter creams and other remedies.